Home » Games » Board Games » Chess & Abstract Strategy Games » Meet Chess960 – a game created by Bobby Fischer which uses the same board and pieces of regular chess, but randomly shuffles the home row to prevent players from relying on memorized strategies and instead rely on their own creativity

Meet Chess960 – a game created by Bobby Fischer which uses the same board and pieces of regular chess, but randomly shuffles the home row to prevent players from relying on memorized strategies and instead rely on their own creativity


Chess960, also known as Fischer Random Chess or Fischerandom, is a variant of chess invented and advocated by former world chess champion Bobby Fischer, announced publicly on June 19, 1996, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It employs the same board and pieces as standard chess, but the starting position of the pieces on the players’ home ranks is randomized. The random setup renders the prospect of obtaining an advantage through the memorization of opening lines impracticable, compelling players to rely instead on their talent and creativity.

Randomizing the main pieces had long been known as Shuffle Chess; however, Chess960 introduces restrictions on the randomization, “preserving the dynamic nature of the game by retaining bishops of oppos… Continue Reading

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess960