Home » Business & Industrial » Nutmeg is a Hallucinogen because it Contains Myristicin. It is a Natural Compound that has Mind-Altering Effects When Consumed in Large Doses.

Nutmeg is a Hallucinogen because it Contains Myristicin. It is a Natural Compound that has Mind-Altering Effects When Consumed in Large Doses.

Nutmeg has a distinct pungent fragrance and a warm, slightly sweet flavor; it is used to season a variety of baked goods, confections, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and beverages such as eggnog. Mace is derived from the fleshy arils that surround the nutmeg seed. But did you know consuming large amounts of nutmeg can get you high?

Nutmeg is a hallucinogen because it contains myristicin, a natural compound with mind-altering effects when consumed in large quantities.

The Substance Causing the “High”

Myristicin is the chemical that causes the high caused by nutmeg. Myristicin is a naturally occurring compound found in the essential oils of plants such as parsley, dill, and nutmeg.

Myristicin can also be found in various spices. It makes up the majority of the chemical makeup of nutmeg oil and is found in the highest concentrations in this spice. The breakdown of myristicin in the human body produces a compound that affects the sympathetic nervous system.

Peyote is another well-known plant whose compound, mescaline, works similarly to nutmeg’s myristicin. Mescaline and myristicin affect the Central Nervous System (CNS) by increasing the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

This effect on the CNS eventually causes side effects like hallucinations, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms. (Source: Healthline

Nutmeg Intoxication

There is little research on nutmeg intoxication. However, there are a few studies and case reports on some of the potentially dangerous side effects of consuming too much myristicin.

The first reports of nutmeg intoxication date back to the 1500s after a pregnant woman ate more than ten nutmeg nuts. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century that researchers began to look into the effects of nutmeg myristicin on the central nervous system.

An 18-year-old female reported nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, and dry mouth, among other symptoms, in one case report. Although she did not report any hallucinations, she did describe the feeling in a trance-like state.

She had consumed nearly 50 grams of nutmeg in the form of a milkshake about 30 minutes before her symptoms began.

In a more recent case study, a 37-year-old female experienced myristicin intoxication symptoms after consuming only two teaspoons or roughly 10 grams of nutmeg. Dizziness, confusion, grogginess, and an extremely dry mouth were also her symptoms.

In both cases, the symptoms appeared within hours and lasted for about 10 hours. Both individuals were released after being observed and recovered completely.

Although these cases appear rare, a 10-year review of the literature by the Illinois Poison Center revealed over 30 documented cases of nutmeg poisoning. An examination of the data revealed both intentional and unintentional exposures and drug interactions that resulted in toxicity.

According to the investigation, nearly half of the cases were intentional, with only 17 being unintentional exposures. Minors under the age of 13 made up most of those unintentionally exposed to nutmeg intoxication.

As with any toxic substance, the risks almost always outweigh the benefits. Before considering using nutmeg as a recreational drug to get high, remember that myristicin toxicity has serious consequences, including organ failure and even death. (Source: Healthline

Image from HollandandBarett

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