Home » Uncategorized » The white dashed lines on US highways are 10 feet long. And the space in between them runs 30 feet long. Most people believe that they’re only 2-4 feet long at most.

The white dashed lines on US highways are 10 feet long. And the space in between them runs 30 feet long. Most people believe that they’re only 2-4 feet long at most.

Slow Down — Those Lines On The Road Are Longer Than You Think

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Take a guess — how long are the dashed lines that are painted down the middle of a road?

If you’re like most people, you answered, “Two feet.”

The real answer is 10 feet. That’s the federal guideline for every street, highway, and rural road in the United States, where dashed lines separate traffic lanes or indicate where passing is allowed.

A new study has found that people grossly underestimate the length of these lines — a finding which implies that we’re all misjudging distances as we drive, and are driving too fast as a result.

Dennis Shaffer, assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus, led the study, which appeared in the journal Perception & Psychophysics.

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