We often associate hard work with long hours. But the fact of the matter is, you could be working more than 40 hours a week but not getting any output. You’re practically exhausting yourself and still be unproductive.
Studies show that people who work for 50 hours a week or even more are less productive. The employee output falls sharply after a 50-hour workweek and declines further after 55. Thus, longer hours are directly proportional to absenteeism.
What Are Work Martyrs?
We’ve all been there at one point in our lives. When you’re stuck in the office all day, skipping on vacation days, answering work calls on personal time, and sneaking in a few minutes of work now and then to get some work done.
But others do this daily. They never unplug from their work-life that the balance is completely off. These are who we call work-martyrs.
They are the people who always place their job first and have the constant need to prove how hardworking they are. While some may think that this is a sign of dedication, it isn’t. (Source: Business Insider)
What is Wrong With Being A Work Martyr?
Being a work martyr often leads to burnout, and in turn, this affects other aspects of your life. Tension would start to arise in your social life, home life, and other relationships. If you feel that this is already happening to you, it’s time to reevaluate yourself. (Source: CNBC)
How Will You Know If You’re a Work Martyr?
Here are some signs that would help you figure out if you are a work martyr or not.
- No matter what time of day, or how urgent it is – you will reply to your emails immediately. You basically want everyone to know you’re always working.
- You have the tendancy to eat lunch at yoru desk. You never leave you desk to spend more time working than taking a break.
- You never use paid time off. You’d prefer to be known as a workaholic and think it is a compliment.
- Whenever you do take time off, you don’t completely unplug. You want everyone to think that you are completely reliable at any time.
- You rarely delegate tasks. You’d rather down yourself in work because you can never trust anyone to do it as well as you do.
- You judge others for taking time off or leaving work early or on time.
- You would constantly complain about your long hours, but refuse to make any adjustments. You will tell everyone you’re the first one in, and the last one out.
- You don’t take sick days. You’re not going to let the sniffles get in your way.
- You prioritize your work above anythging else.
- You are often stressed and sleep-deprived.
The simple reality is that work, both mental and physical, results in fatigue that limits the cognitive and bodily resources people have to put towards their work. When they are not thinking clearly or moving as quickly or precisely they must work more slowly to maintain quality and safety requirements.
Ken Matos
(Source: Business Insider)