Agriculture & Forestry

Why Are Barns Red?

When we were kids, we’d always remember a big red barn in stories and books. But did you know how the classic red barn came to be? Back in the day, farmers would paint their barns with linseed oil and rust to protect it from fungi and moss. The combination of the two ingredients created […]

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Male bovines are called “bulls,” until they’re castrated-then they’re called “steers.” Female bovines are called “heifers” until they have a calf, then they’re known as “cows.”

How to determine if cattle are bulls, steers, cows or heifers If you’re new to the cattle world, keeping bulls, steers, cows and heifers straight is confusing. Even though you once thought that “cow” was a blanket term used for all cattle in all situations, you’ll catch on quickly to the correct terminology. Bulls A

Male bovines are called “bulls,” until they’re castrated-then they’re called “steers.” Female bovines are called “heifers” until they have a calf, then they’re known as “cows.” Read More »

Biologist Tyrone Hayes published an experiment that showed pesticide Atrazine was turning frogs from male to female. In response, manufacturer Syngenta spent years spying on him and conducting an extensive campaign to create a scandal that would end his career.

A Valuable Reputation In 2001, seven years after joining the biology faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, Tyrone Hayes stopped talking about his research with people he didn’t trust. He instructed the students in his lab, where he was raising three thousand frogs, to hang up the phone if they heard a click, a

Biologist Tyrone Hayes published an experiment that showed pesticide Atrazine was turning frogs from male to female. In response, manufacturer Syngenta spent years spying on him and conducting an extensive campaign to create a scandal that would end his career. Read More »

The Brussel sprouts grown today taste better because they are genetically different. In the 1990’s a Dutch research identified heirloom varieties that are less bitter and bred them to be tastier and have a higher yield.

From Culinary Dud To Stud: How Dutch Plant Breeders Built Our Brussels Sprouts Boom Foods go in and out of style. Few of them, though, have gone through as dramatic a renaissance in their reputation as Brussels sprouts. For many years, they were scorned. Even Steve Bontadelli admits it, and he makes his living growing

The Brussel sprouts grown today taste better because they are genetically different. In the 1990’s a Dutch research identified heirloom varieties that are less bitter and bred them to be tastier and have a higher yield. Read More »

Plants make up 82% of the total biomass of Earth. Of all the mammals on Earth, 96% are livestock and humans, only 4% are wild mammals. Of all the birds on Earth, 70% are chicken and poultry, 30% are wild birds. The total biomass of the human race accounts for just 0.01% of all life on Earth.

Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study Humankind is revealed as simultaneously insignificant and utterly dominant in the grand scheme of life on Earth by a groundbreaking new assessment of all life on the planet. The world’s 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01% of all living things,

Plants make up 82% of the total biomass of Earth. Of all the mammals on Earth, 96% are livestock and humans, only 4% are wild mammals. Of all the birds on Earth, 70% are chicken and poultry, 30% are wild birds. The total biomass of the human race accounts for just 0.01% of all life on Earth. Read More »