Home » Aswang


The Aswang in Psychological Warfare: A Fascinating Intersection of Mythology and Military Tactics

The aswang, a creature deeply rooted in Filipino folklore, represents an intriguing blend of the supernatural and psychological warfare. This mythical entity, embodying various forms of evil such as vampires, ghouls, witches, and shape-shifters, has been a subject of fear and fascination in the Philippines for centuries​​. In the 1950s, during a turbulent period of […]

The Aswang in Psychological Warfare: A Fascinating Intersection of Mythology and Military Tactics Read More »

Tao Po

Why Do People in the Philippines Say “Tao Po” When Knocking on Someone’s Door?

Cultural traditions and customs are often ingrained in people. These practices and beliefs are learned at a very young age, which individuals tend to apply even as they get old. In the Philippines, there are several rituals, customs, and traditions depending on the region of origin, but did you know why Filipinos say tao po

Why Do People in the Philippines Say “Tao Po” When Knocking on Someone’s Door? Read More »