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Do Hospitals Treat Delirium Tremens with Alcohol?

Delirium Tremens (DT) or Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium (AWD) is a severe and life-threatening form of Alcohol Withdrawal. Some symptoms include visual and auditory hallucinations, tremors, vomiting, diaphoresis, and more. But can some doctors actually prescribe alcohol to those experiencing this kind of withdrawal? Yes, hospitals can and will prescribe alcohol to patients with severe alcohol […]

Do Hospitals Treat Delirium Tremens with Alcohol? Read More »

Kim Kardashian was paid to post a selfie on Instagram and Twitter advertising a pharmaceutical product. Sent to 42 million followers on Instagram and 32 million on Twitter, this illegal advertisement did not contain any risk information or language specifying that it was a paid endorsement.

An Age-Old Battle: The FDA Versus the Shill Last month, celebrity-news and health-policy bloggers had a rare moment of overlap after the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter to the pharmaceutical company Duchesnay, which manufactures Diclegis, a prescription-only anti-nausea pill. At stake: a single selfie with pill bottle. The image that attracted the

Kim Kardashian was paid to post a selfie on Instagram and Twitter advertising a pharmaceutical product. Sent to 42 million followers on Instagram and 32 million on Twitter, this illegal advertisement did not contain any risk information or language specifying that it was a paid endorsement. Read More »