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Venus Flytrap

Venus Flytraps Naturally Grows within a 75-mile Radius Around Washington, North Carolina, Poaching this Plant Became a Felony in 2014

Venus flytraps are carnivorous perennial plants that live for up to 20 years in the wild. Insects supply them with nutrients they cannot readily acquire from the soil, while they get most of their energy from photosynthesis. But do you know these plants naturally grow in North Carolina?  Venus Flytraps naturally grow within a 75-mile […]

Venus Flytraps Naturally Grows within a 75-mile Radius Around Washington, North Carolina, Poaching this Plant Became a Felony in 2014 Read More »

Buzz Aldrin Mars Cycler

Who Single-Handedly Calculated the Orbital Technique of Mars Cycling?

The Mars cycler is a type of spacecraft that travels between Earth and Mars regularly. An example of a Mars cycler is the Aldrin cycler. It is called the Aldrin cycler because of Buzz Aldrin. But how did this famous astronaut get a spacecraft to be named after him? Buzz Aldrin, devised an orbital system

Who Single-Handedly Calculated the Orbital Technique of Mars Cycling? Read More »