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What is the Legal Drinking Age in Wisconsin?

Each state has its law written and in force regarding alcohol consumption. But do you know what the legal age of alcohol consumption in the state of Wisconsin is?

In Wisconsin, the legal age for drinking is 21. Still, they legally allow children to consume alcohol in bars or restaurants as long as there is adult supervision, may it be a parent or a guardian.

What Does The Law About Alcohol Drinking Say?

According to state law, the legal age to drink in Wisconsin is twenty-one. However, there are exemptions to this law, such as minors under the age of twenty one may be allowed to drink on licensed premises as long as they are accompanied by their parents, guardians, or even spouses who happen to be at legal age.

In some cases, teen nights or alcohol-free nights may allow minors to consume alcohol when written authorization is obtained by the organizer from the local police agency.

Another instance is when a minor over the age of fourteen but less than twenty-one is employed by a brewer, beer and or liquor wholesaler, a producer of alcohol fuel, or a brewpub licensed entity may also consume alcoholic beverages without the supervision of an adult. These are a few of the provisions written in the law by the state of Wisconsin. (Source: Fox 11 News)

What Do Wisconsin Citizens Think?

Although teenagers may find it cool to be able to go to a bar with an adult and be able to drink alcohol, it has not always been in favor of everyone.

There are also dangers that may come alongside the said law. Licensed premises are given the sole right not to serve alcohol to persons below the age twenty one when they are not sure if the relationship of the person accompanying the child is a relative, parent, or guardian.

Another worry that may arise for bar or restaurant owners is driving while intoxicated. Surely, authorities would not want these minors to drink and drive. (Source: Fox 11 News)

Is Underage Drinking Safe?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that underage alcohol drinking may have different effects on brain development, drug abuse, and other problems. Underage drinking is common in the United States, and it is also known to have severe damage to minors consuming alcohol.

In one of the surveys conducted in 2019 by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey participated by high school students, 29% drank alcohol, 14% binge drank, 5% drove after consuming alcohol, and 17% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.

It was said that minors who drink alcohol have a high chance to have school, social, legal, and physical problems, engaged in unwanted, unplanned, or unprotected sexual activity, disruption of average growth or sexual development, memory problems, life-long effects on brain development, increased risk of suicide and homicide, vehicular accidents and even alcohol poisoning.

Adults who are experiencing alcohol use disorder are associated with engaging in underage drinking. Youth who are binge drinking are more likely to experience these problems than those who do not participate in binge drinking. (Source: CDC)

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