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Bangladesh Ducks

Why Do Farmers in Bangladesh Prefer to Raise Ducks in Bangladesh?

Ducks have several advantages over other poultry species, the most notable of which is their disease tolerance. They are tough, excellent foragers, and easy to herd, especially in wetlands where they tend to congregate. But did you know why Bangladesh farmers prefer to raise ducks instead?

Farmers in Bangladesh have been raising ducks instead of chickens because ducks float in floods. Compared to chickens they have a higher chance of survival as Bangladesh is often hit by cyclones.

How Did Ducks Solve the Cyclone Problems on Poultries?

Tropical cyclones cause flooding and high winds every year, wreaking havoc on Bangladesh’s coastal communities. Crops are destroyed, homes are destroyed, and farm animals have been swept away, erasing the incomes of already impoverished people.

On the other hand, farmers are experimenting with new ways to weather the storm, one of which is raising ducks instead of chickens. The reasoning is that ducks have a better chance of survival because they can fly and swim.

While dealing with cyclones and flooding is nothing new, Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, intensifying and increasing the frequency of extreme weather. (Source: We Forum

What Causes Cyclones in Bangladesh?

Throughout its history, Bangladesh and the surrounding region have been hit by devastating tropical cyclones that have resulted in significant loss of life and property. Water, in the form of storm surges, is responsible for the majority of the damage. Because of the geography of the land and region, Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to storm surge flooding.

The Bay of Bengal is a branch of the Indian Ocean that connects India and Southeast Asia. The bay becomes narrower as it approaches its northern shore, where it meets the south coast of Bangladesh. This narrowing can act as a funnel, directing cyclones towards the coast of Bangladesh and intensifying them.

Because of the low, flat terrain that makes up most of Bangladesh, the storm surges that accompany these cyclones have a devastating impact. Ironically, this alluvial flood plain is very fertile and attracts farmers who grow crops in its rich soil.

Bangladesh was hit by the most deadly cyclones of the modern era in 1970 and 1991. The 1970 Bhola Cyclone killed approximately 500,000 people, while the 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone killed over 125,000 and displaced nearly 10 million people.

Bangladesh’s government has attempted to prepare for future cyclones by constructing over 2,500 high cyclone shelters in vulnerable coastal areas and training thousands of aid and rescue workers to provide emergency assistance. In addition, a reforestation program to plant green belts has been launched to mitigate the worst effects of seasonal and cyclonic flooding.

(Source: Bangladesh

How Many Cyclones has Bangladesh Experienced Over the Years? 

From 1877 to 2001, a total of 133 tropical cyclones hit the coast of Bangladesh, with 42 being tropical depressions, 57 being tropical storms, and 34 reaching hurricane strength. The number of tropical cyclones that hit the coast every ten years over the last century from 1900-2001.

(Source: Bangladesh

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