Matt Groening created The Simpsons in 1989. The Simpsons are a satirical depiction of American family life. The show is set in the fictitious town of Springfield and often pokes fun at American culture and society, as well as television and the human condition. With the wacky writing and interesting plot, a lot of young writers wished to be on the writing team for the show. But did you know, there is a Hollywood actor who came so close to doing so?
Donald Glover was voted “Most Likely to Write for The Simpsons” in high school. In 2006, he sent writing samples to David Miner, including a spec script he had written for The Simpsons. Glover’s work impressed Miner and Tina Fey. They hired him as a writer for 30 Rock.
Who is Donald Glover?
Donald McKinley Glover Jr., also known as Childish Gambino, was born on September 25, 1983 at the Edwards Air Force Base in California. His father was a postal worker, while his mother was a retired daycare provider. Glover was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness but is no longer religious.
Glover went to Avondale High School and the DeKalb School of the Arts. In 2006, he graduated with a degree in Dramatic Writing from the New York University Tisch School of the Arts. During his time in Tisch, he self-produced a mixtape called The Younger I Get which was never released and in fact disowned by Glover. He also started DJ-ing and producing electronic music under the moniker MC D.
While at New York University, he worked at Derrick Comedy. Tina Fey hired Glover as a writer for the NBC sitcom 30 Rock when he was 23 years old. From 2009 to 2014, he rose to prominence as Troy Barnes, a college student on the NBC sitcom Community. Glover has been starring in the FX series Atlanta, which he created and occasionally directs, since 2016. Glover received numerous honors for his work in Atlanta, including two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards. (Source: Britannica)
Who Influenced Donald Glover?
Glover has had an impact on several younger musicians and actors. Rapper Vince Staples praised Glover’s ability to reinvent himself regularly, while actor and writer Naren Weiss cited his versatility as a source of inspiration.
LCD Soundsystem and Ghostface Killah have both influenced me. A lot of the rap shows I saw as a kid were boring, but if you went to a Rage Against the Machine or a Justice show, the kids were out of their minds. Odd Future understands that kids just want to have a good time. People want to engage in some sort of physical activity.
Donald Glover, Artist
(Source: The Guardian)
Donald Glover’s Awards and Nominations
Glover received critical acclaim in 2016 for his work on the comedy-drama television series Atlanta. For this series, he won two Golden Globe Awards, including Best Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actor Television Series Musical or Comedy.
He also received eight Primetime Emmy Award nominations for the first two seasons of the show, which resulted in two wins: Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series and Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series. He is the first African American to win in the latter category. He was also nominated for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for his performance on Saturday Night Live.
Glover received five Writers Guild of America Awards in 2018 for his work on the satirical television sitcom 30 Rock and the first season of Atlanta.
He has five Grammy nominations for his music. He won his first award for Best Traditional R&B Performance for the song Redbone, and he went on to win four more for the single This Is America, including Song of the Year and Record of the Year. He was also nominated for Album of the Year for Awaken, My Love! and Record of the Year for Redbone at the 2018 Grammy Awards. (Source: Emmys)