Home » Reference » Humanities » History » General Dwight D. Eisenhower Found Victims of the Nazi Concentration Camp. He Anticipated That There Would Be Attempts to Deny What Had Happened, So He Ordered All Possible Photos to be Taken for Evidence.
Dwight Eisenhower

General Dwight D. Eisenhower Found Victims of the Nazi Concentration Camp. He Anticipated That There Would Be Attempts to Deny What Had Happened, So He Ordered All Possible Photos to be Taken for Evidence.

Holocaust Denial refers to any attempt to deny the well-established facts of the Nazi genocide against European Jews. Anti-semitism, prejudice against or hatred of Jews, includes Holocaust denial and distortion. Holocaust denial and distortion generally assert that the Holocaust was invented or exaggerated by Jews to advance Jewish interests. But did you know how General Dwight D. Eisenhower prevented denying the Holocaust?

After discovering victims of Nazi concentration camps, General Dwight D. Eisenhower predicted that attempts would be made to deny what had occurred in the future. He directed all possible photographs be taken, and Germans from surrounding villages were escorted through the camps to bury the dead.

Why Are There People Who Deny the Holocaust? 

Most Holocaust deniers want to remove Nazism’s stain to make Nazism an acceptable political alternative today. Many have current or previous ties to hate groups and attempt to shed that image by disguising themselves as historians rather than merchants of bigotry. Holocaust denial is a powerful tool in the hands of anti-Semites.

Take away the Holocaust and what do you have left? Without their precious Holocaust, what are the Jews? Just a grubby little bunch of international bandits and assassins and squatters who have perpetrated the most massive, cynical fraud in human history.

Harold Covington, Leader of the National Socialist White People’s Party

Holocaust denial is a modernized version of an alleged Jewish conspiracy in which Jews use deception and extortion to exploit everyone else. Anti-Semitism is the common denominator among all Holocaust deniers.

This big lie is especially painful for Holocaust survivors and all those who have lost loved ones due to the Nazi mass murder and are confronted by people who deny their pain and loss. (Source: Museum Of Tolerance)

The Views and Opinions of Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust deniers contend that Nazi Germany was the victim of an Allies-created conspiracy to portray Nazi Germany as the villain of World War II and that the United States and Great Britain concocted wild atrocity stories about the Nazis to cover up their war crimes. They claim that Jews joined the conspiracy to prey on the world’s sympathies and extort money from post-war Germany to establish the State of Israel.

Arab leaders have occasionally used Holocaust denial to try to delegitimize the existence of the State of Israel. Holocaust revisionists contend that the Holocaust was exaggerated, if not a total fabrication. Many believe that Hitler’s intentions were peaceful and that the true villains of the war were the United States. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Jews

Holocaust revisionists contend that Holocaust survivors lied about their experiences, that Allied soldiers who liberated the camps exaggerated what they saw, and that films and photographs of Nazi atrocities, even those captured from the Nazis themselves, were later made up. That captured Nazi documents were forged, and those confessions made by the accused were coerced. They deny the Nazis used gas chambers to murder millions and claim that the Allies built them after the war to make Germany look bad.

Furthermore, the Jews who died in concentration camps died due to the disease. Indeed, they argue that the Allies should be held accountable for those deaths because their bombing raids prevented supplies and medicines from reaching the camps. (Source: Museum Of Tolerance)

Image from: Pritzker Military

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