Home » Hobbies & Leisure » Argentina has the most pets per capita, with 80% of the population having a pet. Argentineans have the most dogs (66% of pet-owners), Russians have the most cats (57% of pet-owners), Turks have the most birds (20% of the population), and Chinese have the most fish (17% of the population)

Argentina has the most pets per capita, with 80% of the population having a pet. Argentineans have the most dogs (66% of pet-owners), Russians have the most cats (57% of pet-owners), Turks have the most birds (20% of the population), and Chinese have the most fish (17% of the population)

Argentina: the Country with the Most Pets Per Capita

According to the results of a study conducted by the market research company, GfK, 80 percent of the respondents stated that they had at least one pet. This is a much higher average than the global population, with an estimated 56 percent having pets.

Argentinians are major pet owners and prefer dogs to cats

The survey was carried out in 22 countries with 27 thousand participants and, among other conclusions they reached, some points stand out:

After Argentina, the most pet-friendly nations are Mexico (79%), Russia (73%) and the USA (7O%).

Argentina is also the leading nation that prefers to have dogs as pets. 66 percent of people who have pets choose dogs.

The preference for dogs is common across the other Latin America… Continue Reading (3 minute read)

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