Home » People & Society » Religion & Belief » Black Mormons couldn’t become priests until 1978 when their Prophet had an unprecedented revelation that the “time had come” to allow it, after which black people thanked him for his “many hours” begging God to permit it.

Black Mormons couldn’t become priests until 1978 when their Prophet had an unprecedented revelation that the “time had come” to allow it, after which black people thanked him for his “many hours” begging God to permit it.

Black Mormons and the Priesthood

In June 1978, the priesthood in the Mormon Church was made available to all worthy male members, whereas up until that time, black Mormons of African descent had been denied the priesthood. The decision to extend the reach of the priesthood was made after much pleading to the Lord from the prophet. Following much prayer and fasting, the prophet received a profound revelation that the time had come.

Said David B. Haight: “I was in the temple when President Spencer W. Kimball received the revelation regarding the priesthood. I was the junior member of the Quorum of the Twelve. I was there. I was there with the outpouring of the Spirit in that room so strong that none of us could speak afterwards. We just left quietly to go back to the off…
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Source: https://mormonbeliefs.org/mormon_beliefs/mormon-beliefs-culture/black-mormon-priesthood/