Home » Arts & Entertainment » In Japan, you can hire a handsome man to show up at your place, watch a sad video with you until you cry, then wipe your tears for you.

In Japan, you can hire a handsome man to show up at your place, watch a sad video with you until you cry, then wipe your tears for you.

The ‘handsome weeping boys’ paid to wipe away your tears

Japanese companies hire people to make staff cry

Employees watch sad films while a “handsome weeping boy” wipes away their tears

It is supposed to help people bond

There are about 10 of us sitting in a conference room in an office block in Tokyo and a man has just put on a selection of film clips.

As the music blares from tinny-sounding speakers, a heart-rending story about a deaf man and his daughter begins. The daughter is struck down with a terrible illness and is rushed to hospital. The man, unable to communicate that he is her father, is not allowed past the reception desk. The film ends with him crying inconsolably as she dies alone.

As the second film – about a fatally ill dog – starts, I hear a muffled sob from t… Continue Reading

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37178014