Home » Business & Industrial » Pharmaceuticals & Biotech » In 1949, Gallup polled Americans on what scientific advances they thought would happen by the year 1999. 88% believed cancer would be cured, and 63% believed planes would be nuclear powered. Only 15% thought a man would walk on the moon.

In 1949, Gallup polled Americans on what scientific advances they thought would happen by the year 1999. 88% believed cancer would be cured, and 63% believed planes would be nuclear powered. Only 15% thought a man would walk on the moon.

Polls of Future Past: Public Expectations for the Future of Science

Science fiction sometimes barely beats out science fact, as technological advancements rapidly transform the world. But the changes that are anticipated aren’t always the ones that arrive. A look back at what the polls tell us the public has expected for the future of science – and how often they’ve been disappointed. From the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research archives:

Reality outpacing expectations: the moon landing

When Gallup first asked Americans in 1949 whether they expected man to reach the moon in the next fifty years, only 15% said yes. Despite the shocking power of new wartime technologies like the atom bomb, the public remained skeptical about the idea of space travel. Just six years later, the proportion saying ma… Continue Reading (4 minute read)

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