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Queen Elizabeth

Fewer than 100,000 British People were Older than the Late Queen Elizabeth. She is the Only Monarch 85% of Her Subject Have Ever Known.

Another claim to fame has been made for The Queen as she approaches a milestone in her already historic reign. Research has determined how many of her subjects have lived longer than she has. Do you know how many British people were actually older than the late Queen Elizabeth? Only about 100,000 British citizens are […]

Fewer than 100,000 British People were Older than the Late Queen Elizabeth. She is the Only Monarch 85% of Her Subject Have Ever Known. Read More »

The Queen of England can fire the entire Australian government. In 1975 her representative in Australia fired the prime minister of Australia and the rest of parliament in response to a government shutdown. There hasn’t been another shutdown since.

Queen Elizabeth II is not like you and me. It’s true that her role as the British head of state is largely ceremonial, and the Monarch no longer holds any serious power from day to day. The historic “prerogative powers” of the Sovereign have been devolved largely to government ministers. Technically, all unmarked swans in

The Queen of England can fire the entire Australian government. In 1975 her representative in Australia fired the prime minister of Australia and the rest of parliament in response to a government shutdown. There hasn’t been another shutdown since. Read More »