Shrek is an American-made 3D animated film released in 2001. The film was loosely based on the 1990 children’s book of the same name that William Steig wrote. Stephen Spielberg acquired the rights to the book, but did you know he had different plans for making the film?
Stephen Spielberg originally bought the Shrek franchise’s rights in 1991. He intended to turn it into a 2D animated film starring Chris Rock as Donkey and Dan Akroyd as Shrek. But Dreamworks bought the rights and produced the popular Shrek movie we know today.
What was Shrek All About?
One of the most recognizable animated series of all time, the Shrek series shaped the early 2000s animation scene. The combination of interesting characters, a gripping plot, and a vastly imaginative environment helped the series rank among the biggest grossing animated programs of all time.
A large, green ogre named Shrek is the subject of the Shrek film series. The movie, loosely based on William Steig’s books from 1990, follows Shrek, who Mike Myers voices as the evil Lord Farquaad compels him to embark on an adventure to save Princess Fiona, who is voiced by Cameron Diaz.
He meets the continuously babbling Donkey, who is voiced by Eddie Murphy along the route and reluctantly decides to take him as a traveling companion. After getting married to Fiona, Shrek visits her native country of Far Far Away to meet her family in the following flicks, where he has even more misadventures.
Audiences of all ages adore Shrek because of its abundance of hilarious jokes and daring escapes. Truly a film the whole family could enjoy. (Source: Shreks Adventure)
Was Nicholas Cage Originally Offered the Lead Role?
Although Nic Cage has played various parts throughout the years, he declined the opportunity to voice Shrek. Cage stated his reasons for rejecting the role in an interview with Savannah Guthrie on TODAY.
I’m not afraid to be ugly in a movie …When you’re drawn, in a way it says more about how children are going to see you than anything else, and I do care about that.
Nicholas Cage, Actor
(Source: Business Insider)
Who Initially Voiced Shrek?
Chris Farley, a star of SNL, was hired to voice Shrek in the movie before his unfortunate death in 1997. He captured around 90% of the film, which later appeared online. Mike Myers had to record the movie twice more. Myers initially gave Shrek a Canadian accent but modified it to Scottish. (Source: Business Insider)
Who was the First Actress to Voice Fiona?
In the movie, other characters were played by different actors besides Shrek. Actress Janeane Garofalo provided Princess Fiona’s original voice.
I was never told why I was fired. I assume because I sound like a man sometimes? I don’t know why. Nobody told me, but the movie didn’t do anything, so who cares?”
Janeane Garofalo, Actress
(Source: Business Insider)