John Huston –
About John Huston (1906 – 1987)
John Huston was born on August 5, 1906 in Nevada, Missouri. Huston passed away on August 28, 1987 in Middletown, Rhode Island, from emphysema. Huston was the only son of Walter Huston and Rhea Gore. Rhea was a sports reporter working for the newspaper and traveled quite a bit. Huston began performing with his father onstage in Vaudeville at the age of 3. At age 7, his parents divorced and he split time on the vaudeville circuit with his father and traveling with his mother on her job. Huston was however, at times a sickly child and due to an enlarged heart and kidney ailments was placed in a sanitarium for a time. Huston quit school at age 14 to become a boxer and at age 18, won 22 of 25 bouts, wi… Continue Reading