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Woodrow Wilson

Louis Brandeis

When Did the First Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing Happen?

The Supreme Court is profoundly rooted in its history: among the three arms of the federal government, it is the one that looks the most like it did when it was first established. The Supreme Court was established under the United States Constitution, and it has a long and illustrious history since its inception. But […]

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What Were Palmer Raids?

The Red Scare is often used to illustrate how unfounded fears can compromise civil liberties. How did the scare stir up such unimaginable acts that were posed as protecting the national interest? In the years leading to the First World War, the US government organized violent law-enforcement raids against foreign leftist radicals and anarchists in

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What Was Woodrow Wilson’s Plan To Win the Presidency?

Woodrow Wilson had served two full terms as President of the United States. Being the only president to attain a Ph.D., his doctorate in political science aided him in times of crisis, especially during his uncertain renomination for the presidential elections.  Before Woodrow Wilson secured his renomination against Charles Hughes, Wilson devised a plan to

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When Prohibition was enacted in USA, it took less than an hour for the first documented violation of it to happen

Volstead Act The production, importation, and distribution of alcoholic beverages — once the province of legitimate business — was taken over by criminal gangs, which fought each other for market control in violent confrontations, including murder. Major gangsters, such as Omaha’s Tom Dennison and Chicago’s Al Capone, became rich and were admired locally and nationally.

When Prohibition was enacted in USA, it took less than an hour for the first documented violation of it to happen Read More »