Home » Beauty & Fitness » To Go to a Gym in Italy, You Would Need a License. You are Required by Law to Undergo a Yearly Physical Exam, Assessment, and an Electrocardiogram.

To Go to a Gym in Italy, You Would Need a License. You are Required by Law to Undergo a Yearly Physical Exam, Assessment, and an Electrocardiogram.

If you have a gym membership or are considering getting one, the most important thing to remember is that you must use it. Gym workouts have the advantage of providing several different ways to exercise, so going to the gym every day does not have to become boring and tedious. But did you know why you need a license to go to the gym in Italy?

In Italy, going to the gym requires a license. You must have a yearly physical examination that includes a blood pressure check and an electrocardiogram.

The Gym-Medical Requirement

In Italy, you must present a certificato medico, or a medical certificate, to participate in a variety of exercise or sporting programs, such as a marathon, scuba diving, or even acquiring a gym membership. Italian law 158, which was enacted in 2012, establishes the medical oversight standards required for various levels of physical activity, as well as specialized sports or competitive sporting events such as the Rome Marathon (La Maratona di Roma). There are two types of medical certificates that guarantee your physical fitness level. The intended level of physical activity will necessitate specialized certification. (Source: Med in Action)

The Medical Certificates

Certificato Sportivo Agonistico

The Certificate in Competitive Sport, all athletes interested in competing in a competitive sport as regulated by the Italian National Sports Federation, CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), or FIDAL (Italian Federation of Athletics) must provide a medical certificate that validates their level of physical fitness specific to the sport, so tell your doctor which sporting activity you require the certificate for.

Only a sports medicine doctor can issue a Certificato Sportivo Agonistico, very rare to find in rome sometime. Most certificates are valid for one year, with the exception of a few less intense sports, such as golf or archery, which are valid for two years. The athlete will have their blood pressure checked, a stress test with an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), and a urine sample for the exam. Professional athletes can get their certificate from the official medical association to which they belong. Non-professional athletes can go to any sports medicine doctor.

The official medical certificate will be stamped by the sports doctor with his official regional registration number and will say Certificato di idoneità all’attivita sportiva agonistica or specific sport indicated here. (Source: Med in Action)

Non-Agonistic Sport Certification 

The Non-Competitive Athletic Certificate. Non-agonistico certificates are required for gym memberships, public pool use, non-competitive sporting events, and participation in school-sponsored sports. All CONI-affiliated gyms must have a non-agonisitico certificate. The exam includes a blood pressure check and a baseline electrocardiogram, but there is no urine sample or stress test. The certificate is only good for a year.

In general, if you are participating in a regulated sporting event that requires more intense activity, such as the Rome marathon (la maratona di roma), you must have a certificato medico sportivo agonistico. A certificato medico sportivo non-agonistico is required if you are participating in a non-regulated sporting event with low levels of physical activity. Inquire with the organization or sporting event director about the type of certificate required. Be aware that some intense or specialized sports, such as deep-sea scuba diving, may necessitate additional medical tests, such as an ear, nose, and throat examination. A medico certificate costs between €40 and €60, while a urine test costs between €5 and €10. (Source: Med in Action)

Image from Europastaitalian

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