Biological Sciences


Honeycombs Don’t Start as Hexagons, the Heat Formed in the Hive Softens the Wax and Creates the Shape

A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal prismatic wax cells constructed by honey bees in their nests to house their larvae and honey and pollen stores. But did you know how the honeycombs turn into hexagons? The holes in honeycombs do not begin as hexagons. Bees build circular tubes that are staggered. The heat produced […]

Honeycombs Don’t Start as Hexagons, the Heat Formed in the Hive Softens the Wax and Creates the Shape Read More »

Jane Goodall

What Influenced Jane Goodall’s Fondness for Primates?

Jane Goodall is a British ethologist who is popularly known for her long-term research on chimpanzees. But did you ever wonder what got her interested in these primates? Jane Goodall’s father gave her a plush chimpanzee named Jubilee instead of a teddy bear when she was a child. Goodall has stated that her admiration for

What Influenced Jane Goodall’s Fondness for Primates? Read More »


Why Did the Argentinian Government Import 50 Beavers?

The fur trade is a global industry that deals with the purchase and sale of animal fur. Furs from boreal, polar, and cold temperate mammalian animals have been the most valuable since creating a global fur market in the early modern period. The commerce fostered the exploration and colonization of Siberia, northern North America, and

Why Did the Argentinian Government Import 50 Beavers? Read More »


Why Do Nine-Banded Armadillos Give Birth to Quadruplets Every Time?

Armadillos are placental mammals under the order Cingulata. They are known for the bony plates that cover their entire body which serve as their first line of defense against predators. While there are different subspecies of this mammal, the nine-banded armadillo has a unique birthing pattern. Why do they give birth by 4s? Nine-banded armadillos

Why Do Nine-Banded Armadillos Give Birth to Quadruplets Every Time? Read More »

Human Specie

Why Is There Only One Human Species?

The modern man is the ninth Homo species to evolve from 300,000 years ago, following habilis, erectus, rudolfensis, heidelbergensis, floresiensis, neanderthalensis, naledi, and luzonensis. Many of these human species have existed for much longer than we have. But did you ever wonder why there is only one human species today? Several human species coexisted with

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How Many People Have Already Cryogenically Preserved Their Bodies?

Cryonics comes from the Greek word o kryos which means cold. It is the process of freezing and storing human remains at low temperatures hoping that resurrection will be possible in the future. But do you know how many people have already preserved their bodies cryogenically?  As of 2014, 250 corpses had been cryogenically preserved

How Many People Have Already Cryogenically Preserved Their Bodies? Read More »