EuroTrip is a 2004 American romantic comedy film written by Alec Berg, David Mandel, and Jeff Schaffer and directed by Jeff Schaffer. The story follows Scotty Thomas and his friends who set on a trip to Europe after he experiences a brutal break-up. But did you ever wonder if they actually went to all those places in the film?
The entire film Eurotrip was actually shot in Prague, Czech Republic. Scenes in the United States were shot at the International School of Prague; the Paris train station was the Prague train station, and Vatican City was the National Museum of Prague.
What is the Plot of the Film?
In Hudson, Ohio, Scott Scotty Thomas is dumped by his girlfriend, Fiona just right after his high school graduation. He returns home drunk and angry and reads an email from his German pen pal Mieke. Scotty decides to travel to Europe to find her and apologize in person.
Scotty and Cooper travel around Europe with a group of Manchester United football hooligans. They meet fraternal twins Jenny and Jamie, who are touring Europe together. The group travels to Amsterdam, where Jamie is robbed while receiving oral sex in an alley. They attempt to hitchhike to Berlin, but they end up in Bratislava due to a language misunderstanding.
In Rome, Scotty spots Mieke in the cheering crowd below, who have mistaken him for the newly elected pope. Scotty and Cooper accidentally ring the bell that signals the Pope has died. Jenny and Cooper give in to their urges and have sex in the plane’s lavatory. Jamie stays in Europe after being hired by Arthur Frommer.
In the autumn semester, Scotty will attend Oberlin College. Cooper, who is now dating Jenny, asks what Scotty’s new roommate looks like during their phone call. Mieke knocks on his door, having been placed in the same room as him due to a previous mistake regarding her name. The Absinthe Green Fairy wonders about his own lack of sex life as Scotty and Mieke embrace and gets into bed together. (Source: Variety)
How was the Film Produced?
All scenes were filmed in Prague, Czech Republic, especially in the streets close to the Rudolfinum. Opening scenes set in Ohio were filmed at the International School of Prague. Scenes with a German lorry driver were taken at the then-unfinished D5 motorway near Pilsen. Most would have assumed that the film was actually shot in the various places the group went to. (Source: Variety)
How Much Did the Film Make at the Box Office?
On February 20, 2004, the film was released in 2,512 theaters across the United States and Canada. The picture grossed $6.7 million in its first weekend. It went on to generate $17.8 million in the US and Canada, as well as $3 million in other regions, for a total of $20.8 million worldwide. (Source: The Box Office Mojo)
The film worked with a $25 million budget. Unfortunately, they were not able to make as much in sales grossing only $22 million worldwide. While the film may not have been a complete flop, it has been one of the iconic movies of the early 2000s that teenagers truly enjoyed. (Source: IMDB)