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Consuming the Australian Aquatic Fern Called “Nardoo” Can Cause You to Starve if Improperly Prepared. The Plant Contains Enzymes That Obliterates Thiamine. This Makes Your Body Unable to Unlock Energy from Food.

A plant is a living entity similar to trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses. It grows in a fixed location, absorbs water and inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizes nutrients in its leaves through photosynthesis utilizing the green pigment chlorophyll. But what plant can cause you to starve? If consumed improperly, the Australian […]

Consuming the Australian Aquatic Fern Called “Nardoo” Can Cause You to Starve if Improperly Prepared. The Plant Contains Enzymes That Obliterates Thiamine. This Makes Your Body Unable to Unlock Energy from Food. Read More »


Scientists in Australia were Studying Birds and Fitted Them with Tracking Harnesses. A Group of Magpies Helped Each Other Take the Harnesses Off.

Magpies belong to the Corvidae family of birds. Like other family members, they are often regarded as clever creatures. The Eurasian magpie, for example, is considered one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. It is one of the few non-mammal species capable of recognizing itself in a mirror test. But how did a

Scientists in Australia were Studying Birds and Fitted Them with Tracking Harnesses. A Group of Magpies Helped Each Other Take the Harnesses Off. Read More »

Why Was Brisbane Founded?

For centuries several countries have sent their prisoners to exile in convict colonies. There are a few colonies that have started in Australia. First, let’s talk about Brisbane and the reason why it was founded. Brisbane was originally a penal colony for convicts who had committed new offenses on Australian soil while they were already

Why Was Brisbane Founded? Read More »