Home » Sensitive Subjects » Children who were victims of bullying are consistently found to be at higher risk of being diagnosed with anxiety and depression in adulthood. They never truly get over it.

Children who were victims of bullying are consistently found to be at higher risk of being diagnosed with anxiety and depression in adulthood. They never truly get over it.

Long-term effects of bullying

Definition and epidemiology

Bullying is the systematic abuse of power and is defined as aggressive behaviour or intentional harm-doing by peers that is carried out repeatedly and involves an imbalance of power, either actual or perceived, between the victim and the bully.1 Bullying can take the form of direct bullying, which includes physical and verbal acts of aggression such as hitting, stealing or name calling, or indirect bullying, which is characterised by social exclusion (eg, you cannot play with us, you are not invited, etc) and rumour spreading.2–4 Children can be involved in bullying as victims and bullies, and also as bully/victims, a subgroup of victims who also display bullying behaviour.5 ,6 Recently there has been much in… Continue Reading (11 minute read)

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