How Did Charles Darwin Contribute to the Discovery of the Xanthopan?

Charles Robert Darwin is celebrated as one of the most outstanding British scientists. His works in Biology and his famous theory of Evolution helped transform how we understand the world and ourselves. But did you know that his theory ultimately led to the discovery of an exotic moth species? Charles Darwin received orchids from a

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Why Did Bing Crosby Need to Record A New Version of His Song “White Christmas”?

White Christmas is one of the most popular Christmas songs that has stood against the test of time. It is always part of the songs played in malls and other public areas during the Holiday Season. But did you know that the original singer had to re-record it three years after it was initially released?

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How Did Anthony Comstock Influence the Congress to Ban the Sale of Obscene Books in the United States?

Comstockery is the overzealous moral censorship of fine arts and literature based on perceived immorality or obscenity. An uber-moral activist brought this about at the end of the 1800s. But how did this particular fellow convince Congress to act according to his will? Anthony Comstock, a religious activist, sought to censor obscene literature during his

How Did Anthony Comstock Influence the Congress to Ban the Sale of Obscene Books in the United States? Read More »

What is the “Mean World Syndrome”?

Violence can be seen across different media platforms. Shows focus on a variety of violence that often portray gruesome crimes, and the potential evil people may possess. But did you know that because we are constantly exposed to this kind of content, it affects our general perception of the world? A journalist in the seventies

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